Sunday, June 1, 2008

My Best Friend

Four years ago today, I lost the most important person in my life. He wasn't just my father he was my best friend also. And as each day passes i miss him more and more, but time heals all wounds. What upsets me the most however are the things events that I didn't get a chance to share w/ him (my wedding, birth of my children, etc.) I love you dad so much and will continue to for the rest of my life. And even though you're gone you still live on in those who love you. I want to dedicate this poem to you, Its very fitting that its about one of you true loves, baseball. It is what I should have read as your eulogy.

Game Called by Grantland Rice

Game called
Across the field of play
The dusk has come
The hour is late
The fight is done
And lost or won
The player files out
Through the gate
The tumult dies
The cheer is hushed
The stands are bare
The park is still
But through the night
There shines the light
Of home beyond the silent hill

Game called
Where in the golden light
The bugle rolled the reveille
The shadows creep
Where night falls deep
And Taps has called the end of play
The game is done
The score is in
The final cheer and jeer have passed
But in the night
Beyond the fight
The player finds his rest at last

Game called
Upon the field of life
The darkness gathers far and wide
The dream is done
The score is spun
That stands forever in the Guide
Nor victory nor yet defeat
Is chalked against the player's name

Dad you played it great!!!!!!!!!I love you

I would ask everyone who posts a comment to put your favorite memory/ story of my dad in the b/c I will put mine up as well as my favorite memory/ story involving everyone later this month.

For example-
Scott- When my father hip checked you into the snow during a game of balai-balle (Broom ball) and you retaliate by cross checking him. lol


Unknown said...

Thanks for asking for everyone to comment and then telling me which one is mine...Frankly, I never give that incident a thought.

I do, however, think about all the times that we'd be playing ball and we'd ask your dad to throw the ball straight up. We might have been young, but I swear he could throw the ball so high you would lose sight of it. We'd all try to catch it and we never could.

Or, I could talk about when he attacked me because JP and I were fighting over that battery operated riding horse. hehe.

NOW - BACK TO THE BOYCOTT! You can really turn off moderation - no one cares.

ChefMichele said...

I thought it was Ballon-balai..( sur la glace )translating to broomball. Wikipedia and google is great for correct spelling if dictionaries are not readily available. I think my favorite memory or one that I think of often is one New Years Day, early early morning, your mom and dad came by our house in Hauppauge with some kind of Coffee Cake. Debbie and I were babysitting Marc and Scott so my parents could go out, and we told UJ that they werent home yet. He couldnt stop laughing because their car was in the garage. ( we had glass windows inthe garage at the time.) Little did we know they had come home and we were sleeping. My worst memory of Uncle John, he used to pick the flowers ( Pinching my butt ) on my underwear when I was very young. I stopped wearing flowered panties. LOL For the record, I only read and responded to your blog ( still boycotting ) for my Godfather!! Love ya UJ.

ChefMichele said...

PS- how come my blogsite isnt on your list of family/friends blogs????